Filip Dewinter (Bruges- Flanders 1962) is an
important eurosceptic politician and one of the most famous European leaders
against the mass-immigration and Islamization.
Degree in Journalism (Erasmus Handelsschool)
1985. He is member of the Flemish
(north-Belgium) nationalist party Vlaams Blok-Vlaams Belang, with a long
political career:
1985-1987: Provincial councillor in Anvers.
1987-1995: Deputy in Belgian Parliament
1988-2014: Deputy in Flemish Parliament.
2012-2014: Vice-President of Flemish
Since 1995 local councilman in Anvers, in 2006
he got 33.51% of the votes in the local elections.
2010-14: Senator designated by the Flemish
Since 25th May 2014: Deputy in the Federal
Founder of the organization “European cities
against Islamization”, he is the author of several books as: Eigen volks eerst (1989), Weg met Ons? (1991), Een tegen allen (1996), Zerotolerantie tegen
Criminaliteit (2003), Al Hija (2009). Inch Allah! The Islamization of
Europe (2009) published in Dutch,
English, Spanish and French.
2016 begins with the news of the attacks on women immigrants in Cologne, this is a big failure of the so-called “multiculturalism” and the integration policies.
Do you think this year we will face more situations like this? Is there any possibility of integration of so-called
means multiconflict. We reached the tipping point. This means that non-European
immigrants are no longer integrating into our society but our European society
is adapting to their way of life. What happened in Cologne is typical for the failure
of multiculturalism. Most of those “rape refugees” are Muslims. Muslims think
that they can treat a woman as a prostitute. They don’t respect women at all.
For them women are “untermenschen”. In fact it is a sort of a sexjihad. They
want to humiliate women to make it clear for everybody that the islam is in
charge in Europe now.
We all know the existence of neighborhoods like
Molenbeek and similar areas in other cities
of Antwerp and Flanders.
Is there a risk that in your country of
suffering such attacks against women?
In fact what happened in Cologne is happening
everywhere in Europe. Only because it happened in Cologne on such a big scale,
it got a lot of media attention. For many years already the media tries to
ignore or cover up this sort of incidents.
Angela Merkel insists on keeping
the same policy of welcoming “refugees”
in Germany, in your
opinion, will this hurt the CDU in upcoming elections?
The “Wir schaffen das”-politics of Angela
Merkel will damage CDU in upcoming
elections. The majority of the German people will no longer support Merkel and
the CDU.
In Germany it is growing the protests against the massive influx of
immigrants. Do you think this
feeling is growing majority among the German population?
The “Wir schaffen das”-politics of Merkel means
the ‘untergang’ of Merkel.
You participated as a speaker at a
PEGIDA demonstration in Dresden.
What is the political environment in
which it was found? Is there
really free speech in Germany to discuss immigration
The speech for Pegida in Dresden was the most
impressive speech I ever made. Pegida is very powerful in Eastern Germany. It
is a people’s which has a lot of support of the common people. Never forget
that in Eastern Germany they have a long tradition of resistance against the
powers that be Pegida is spreading all over Germany and even all over Europe
now. Lutz Bachmann, the spokesman of the Pegida movement, could be one of the
leading politicians of the right wing patriotic movement in Europe in the
future. He’s very charismatic and he is also very popular. We have to
understand that for more than one year, every Monday evening Pegida organizes a
protest-manifestation in Dresden. Every Monday more than 10.000 people
participate in the Pegida-manifestation. Pegida has no money, no political
support, no media-support…Still they manage.
So, Germany is actually a pseudo-democracy. The
EU country is not
exactly an example of democratic
Not only Germany but the whole of Europe is
pseudo democracy. If you are not politically correct you don’t count. The
officials state ideology is multiculturalism. Diversity is their main political
goal. Officially there is free speech in Europe but all those who are critical
towards mass-immigrations, islamization and multiculturalism are threatened to
be racists and extreme-right militants. Free speech is only guaranteed for
those who are in favor of multiculturalism and who are politically correct. Even
in the Soviet Union during the Colonial Area there were so called democratic
elections. The DDR was a so called Democratic Republic. It’s not because you
use the word democratic that you are a real democrat.
Going back to PEGIDA, is it true that
PEGIDA plans to
present itself as a political party in the forthcoming
elections? Which would be the first target
of PEGIDA, the
German federal Parliament or enter into regional parliaments?
It’s possible that Pegida will present lists in
Germany for the next elections. I don’t know… Maybe they will, maybe they
won’t. It is up to them to decide. Personally I think it would be a good initiative.
Pegida is already a very successful popular movement. We need Pegida also to be
represented in German Federal and Regional Parliaments.
Another German political party, AfD is trying to collect the discontent with the massive influx of refugees. What are the political
differences between AfD and PEGIDA?
AfD is too main stream. AfD is not radical
enough when it comes to refugees, islamisation and multiculturalism. Pegida has
not only more potential but is also saying the right things about immigration,
the refugee-crisis, the multiculturalism and islam.
The “refugees” problem affects all
of Europe. Do you think Brussels is knowing how
to act properly? EU´s
mistakes in this matter can
increase Euroscepticism?
The EU has no answer to the refugee-invasion. They
don’t want to close the borders of Europe and they have no impact on the local
policy of the different countries. The refugee-crisis shows that EU is not able
to stand up and find solutions to solve the problem. EU is a failure. Of course
it will increase Euroscepticism. A lot of Europeans do not longer believe in
EU-institutions. Eurocrats, the EU-politicians stand with Angela Merkel. The
common people in Europe stand with Victor Orban. They want the borders to be
closed and they want to get rid of the majority of the so called “political
refugees”. The fact that Europe is not capable in finding a consensus between
European countries about the refugee-crisis means the end of the European consensus-policy
and the end of Schengen also. Every country will organise his own immigration
policy in the future. That’s a good thing because if we have to rely on the
European institutions it will only mean open borders and more immigration.
Austria, Denmark and Sweden have already
left the Schengen. Can you
understand this as a major failure
of the EU on immigration?
Austria, Denmark and Sweden did the right
thing. Leaving the Schengen is necessary to organize national immigration
policy. You can’t close your borders if you don’t leave Schengen. The policy of
Hungary is an example for all the other European countries. The world
population will increase with about two billion people during the next twenty
years. We are with 7.5 billion people now and we will be with 9.5 billion
people in 2035. That means that 200.000 people are born every day. The
population of the Third World will double within 15 years. The majority of them
will try to immigrate to Europe or to another Western country. We can’t cope
with this mass-invasion. About one million refugees came over to Europe in
2015. During the next 10 years more than twenty million people will come to
Europe. We ain’t seen nothing yet!
Your party Vlaams Belang, is cooperating with other forces
in Europe called “Eurosceptic? Do you think this Euroscepticism will
grow in Flanders and all over the
There is a sort of European spring going on. In
many European countries, right wing patriotic parties are going very strong. In
the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Scandinavian countries but
also in the Eastern European countries, patriotic movements are doing very
well. We have to unite our forces to combine our efforts. That means that in
European parliament but also elsewhere we have to work together. Only if we
join our efforts, we will be able to form an alternative for the traditional
parties. Also in our country, Belgium, Vlaams Belang is doing well. We are at
12 % in the polls which means that we are quite successful for the time being.
I believe that we can once again win the next elections. 15 to 20 % will be our
goal 2018-elections.
A last question, what do you think would be the
best way of dealing with violence
and massive refugee
arrival into Europe?
We have to fight back. It’s a
question of survival. The refugees are a sort of hostile army without weapons
or uniforms. They want to conquer Europe for islam. The refugees are the Trojan
horse of radical islam. Refugees are not our friends, they are our enemies.
They don’t want to integrate; they don’t chair our values; in fact they hate
us. We should not tolerate islam as an official religion on the soil of Europe.
Of course there is freedom of religion for everybody but that doesn’t mean that
we have to subsidise and recognise aggressive anti-European ideology such as
islam. For me it’s clear that we should ban the islam out of Europe.
By: Enric
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