diumenge, 10 de gener del 2016



51, 4% for Mauricio Macri, 48.6% for Cristina Kirchner, a result that was expected after the first round of the Argentinian presidential elections, but that no previous poll was able to predict just some moths before. No one dared to declare their voting intentions agencies to the opinion agencies, for fear of being "marked", if this information was revealed to government agents. Nevertheless, the candidate of the liberal right beat the one of the populist-left version of Peronism.

The results gave a victory to Macri, also because he was able to win in the Province of Buenos Aires, traditional stronghold of Peronism and strong rock of Argentina left. In the city of Buenos Aires he  had already done so long time ago, becoming Mayor of the capital of Argentina in 2007. In the province of Cordoba (central Argentina), one of the most important for its agricultural production, Macri got more than 70% of the votes; the agricultural sector had been heavily punished for the taxes by the government of Cristina Kirchner, to many experts this has been the error that prevented Argentina to have a big economical grow during the past five years. If there was an economic sector facing “kircherism”, that was the agricultural sector.

PRO a political party made to Macri.
Mauricio Macri is the son of a famous and successful businessman, Franco Macri, an Italian born in Rome in 1930, who emigrated to Argentina in 1949 and got the Argentinian nationality in 1951, like many other Italians who came to Argentina at that time and whose sons and grandchildren are a fundamental part of society Argentina[1].   Macri belongs to the economic elite and has been educated in this elitist environment. His entry into police needed a good job of their image consultants, who changed their image to make it less "elitist" and "hard", also knowing how to use his good physical appearance to make a close and friendly image.
Macri, after graduating as a civil engineer, began his public life by being elected president of the famous football club Boca Juniors. Boca Juniors is the club of Argentina's most popular classes, in the beginning it was of Italian immigrants, hence it is called the "xeneize”[2]' team.  His good leadership of the Boca Juniors helped him to achieve significant support among popular classes, and achieve take significant amount of votes among people who usually vote for Peronism.
As president of Boca Juniors, and taking advantage of its popularity, Mauricio Macri decided to run for mayor Buenos Aires, with the party he had formed in 2005, PRO (Republican Proposal (PRO), a party of liberal Right coming to end the political hegemony of the two traditional Argentinian parties:
The Peronist Party, known in Argentina as Justicialist Party[3]:  Peronism in its broadest spectrum, with internal nuances ranging from right to left, but always in a nationalist, protectionist and anti-liberal way.

Radical Civic Union (UCR)[4] , a moderate center-left party, in deep decline since the presidency of Raul Alfonsin and Fernando de la Rua, that in these elections have supported Macri against their traditional enemies, the  Peronist Party.

Changes and challenges.
After assuming power at the Presidential ceremony last December 10th, ceremony that Cristina Kirchner refused to attend and asked to boycott, Macri began his mandate with several key points that have to face immediately:

-Internally: the tough opposition that Cristina Kirchner and the powerful Peronist Unions "had promised" to do against him.

-Economically. Macri started quickly with measures the control the quote of Peso. He also finished with high rates of export tariffs  of agricultural products, which will undoubtedly boost the economy. But there is a danger that Macri go too far with the "neo-liberalism" and fall into errors, as the disastrous government of Menem made.

-Reform of the judiciary, which may end judging several members of the former government for corruption, may be Cristina Kirchner herself.
Macri will have to take into account the great social benefits, sometimes in exchange for votes-that Kirchner has made in recent years to lower social classes, one of the reasons why the Argentine coffers are empty.  Macri's government will have to maintain some sort of social assistance to avoid facing revolts very soon.

-Foreign policy.  Macri has already come into conflict with the former Argentinian ally Venezuela, and has committed to normalizing relations with Western countries, especially the US and UK.  At the same time you will have to try to maintain good relations with important countries for Argentina today as Russia and China.

Macri knows he has to act fast, not letting the Argentines who voted for him demanding immediate charges to the previous chaotic situation, but also with prudence to avoid arousing the wrath of the Peronist unions and lower classes. In addition Macri knows that Peronism (not in “kirchnerist” version) is "emotionally" majority in Argentina. So he needs not only needs to move fast, but to do it correctly and successfully as well

[1] There are more Italian than Spanish surnames in Argentina nowadays.
[2] Xena is the name of Genoa in Ligurian dialect, “xeneize” means “from Genoa”
[3] Partido Justicialista.
[4] Unión Cívica Radical in Spanish.
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